Work the 12-step program together with an experienced moderator on an online group or phone-conference. If you are unable to attend a live group, this may be the next best option for you.
PA Online meetings are currently held on Every day of the week
The meetings are held on zoom with audio, optional video, and chat.
To join follow the instructions below.
To get updates about these meetings click here.
All times are Eastern
Sun – 4:00pm
Mon – 10:00pm
Tues – 12 NOON
Wed – 10:00pm
Thur – 12 NOON
Fri – 10:00 pm
Sat – 11:00am
How to Join Zoom Meetings
- Launch the Zoom app. If you don’t have it yet download it from
- Select Join
- Type in the Zoom meeting ID: 318 318 0567
- Enter the Passcode: davidc (lowercase)
- Enter your first name where requested
- Click Join.
You can also join by clicking this link.
If you prefer to enter a meeting with only a phone, you can dial in by phone for the Tuesday and Thursday Meetings:
- US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
- ISRAEL – +972 3 978 6688 or +972 55 330 1762
- For access numbers in other countries click here.
Then enter the zoom meeting ID and then press #.
(If you are prompted for additional information press #)
Does it cost anything to participate?
The phone group is completely free.
Who leads the groups?
Like in all our 12-Step groups, the phone group moderator is a veteran member. He isn’t a professional, but rather someone who needed help and got here just like the rest of us, joined the program, recovered, and is now sharing his experience with other members.
Do I have to speak in the group?
Of course not! There is no obligation to speak. Over time, as members become more connected to the group, most people want to start sharing. Sharing our experiences and questions is an important part of the process. It helps us overcome feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation which so often feed our addiction.
Is it possible that someone might recognize me?
The group is completely anonymous, which means that no one uses their last name. The chance that someone who knows you will be on the line and will recognize you by your voice is practically zero. Even if that was the case, there is nothing to worry about. What’s he going to say? That he’s dealing with exactly the same problem, and heard you in a recovery program? It’s important to remember that the risk is far greater of getting caught using porn than the risk that someone might recognize us in the process of recovery. From our experience, we can say that we have never met anyone who was hurt by participating in the group.
What else is important to know?
If you participated in the phone group and have questions, but are still not comfortable asking them on the call, you’re welcome to write to us:
Also, you can email the group leader directly with any questions or comments.
The experience of participating in the phone group the first few times can vary from one person to another. There are people who immediately “connect” to the group, start to work the Steps and get on board right away. But there are also people who don’t connect right away or who are confused about the dynamics of the group. Sometimes a new member comes and hears guys who have been there for a while, already know each other, and use words and phrases that include concepts that are foreign to him. That could be a bit intimidating.
We recommend that you don’t make up your mind after just one meeting, but keep coming back at least six times continuously, and only then decide whether or not to continue. Typically, after participating six times, it’s easier to understand what the group is about, what the Steps are, how it works, and then to decide if it suits you or not.
By reading this, you’ve already taken a small step toward recovery. Keep it going! If you have any other questions, or just need some encouragement, don’t hesitate to contact us (